Posted in : "2024 - October"

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  • Pressure transducers – what are they and what are their applications?
    Pressure transducers – what are they and what are their applications?

    Pressure transducers are measuring devices that convert pressure into an electrical signal. In practice, they are used to precisely monitor and control the pressure level in various industrial and technological processes. These transducers are widely used in many industries, such as the chemical, food, pharmaceutical and oil industries, where pressure control is crucial for the proper operation of machines and processes.

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  • Digital Readouts and Their Applications with Optical and Magnetic Scales
    Digital Readouts and Their Applications with Optical and Magnetic Scales

    Digital readouts are devices that allow for the precise measurement and display of linear or angular displacements on a digital display. Instead of relying on traditional, manual measurement methods, digital readouts collect data from scales (optical encoders or magnetic scales) and convert it into user-readable values.

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  • Application of laser displacement sensors: a precise solution for modern industry
    Application of laser displacement sensors: a precise solution for modern industry

    Laser displacement sensors are gaining popularity in many industries due to their precision, speed and reliability. These are advanced devices that measure the distance or change in the position of an object, which are used in many different applications, from production, through quality control, to process automation. In the following post, we will discuss the key applications of laser displacement sensors and why it is worth implementing them in modern measurement systems.

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  • Magnetic measuring scales: applications and advantages
    Magnetic measuring scales: applications and advantages

    In the world of modern measurement technologies, magnetic scales play a key role, especially in precision industrial and engineering applications. Although this technology is not new, its application and possibilities are developing dynamically, especially in automation, robotics and machining. In this article, we will look at what magnetic scales are, how they work, where they are used and what their key advantages are.

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